Donate now to help us keep the SUAQ Project running!

The main objectives of the SUAQ Project are habitat protection and behavioral research on the Sumatran orangutan, the two cornerstones of effective and lasting species conservation.

Our main goal for the very recent future it to expand the SUAQ Project more towards empowerment of the local community. Only if the local community is strengthened and can obtain certain benefits from conservation, the SUAQ Project has a future in the long-term. However, to continue our work and meet our goals, we are dependent on financial support.

Even small amounts can make a big difference and we will put to good use any support that you might be willing to offer.

You can now transfer your contribution by using our online transfer tool below or by direct transfers onto our new foundation account. We founded the SUAQ foundation in 2019 and are now oficially registered, tax free and ready to recieve direct contributions:

SUAQ foundation
Bürglipark 5
8820 Wädenswil
IBAN: CH40 0070 0114 8029 4034 1
Account number: 80-151-4
Bank: Zürcher Kantonalbank